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6 PACK! Guppy Male Half Black

**Important Shipping Information from Source Aquatics** 🚚

At Source Aquatics, we prioritize the safe transport of your Half Black Male Guppy. Here are our shipping guidelines:
- 📦 Shipments are conducted on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays via FEDEX & UPS.
- 🕒 DOA Guarantee is applicable to next-day shipping, refunds less shipping costs.
- 🌡️ Temperature-appropriate packaging is used based on destination climate (local temperature info is helpful).
- 📆 We strive to avoid weekend shipping to minimize potential delays, depending on destination.

Your satisfaction and the health of the fish are our top priorities:
- 💸 Prompt refunds for DOA cases, less shipping costs.
- 🔄 Replacements where feasible.
- 🚚 Orders may take 2-3 business days to prepare for optimum quality.
- 💯 Full refunds for orders we cannot fulfill due to stock issues.


**Discover the Elegant Half Black Male Guppy**

The Half Black Male Guppy is a stunning variety known for its striking color contrast, featuring a vibrant front half and a deep black posterior. This dynamic coloration makes it a standout in any aquarium, and its active and friendly nature makes it a favorite among guppy enthusiasts.

**What We Adore About This Fish:**
- 🎨 Bold color contrast that captivates and enhances the visual appeal of your tank
- 🐟 Lively and sociable, ideal for community tanks with other peaceful fish
- 🌟 Easy to care for, perfect for both novice and experienced aquarists
- 🧬 Excellent genetic traits for breeding programs interested in color variation

**Recommended Tank Parameters:**
- 🌡️ Temperature: 72° - 78° F (22° - 26° C)
- 💧 pH: 6.5 - 7.8
- 🪨 Hardness: 8-12 dGH
- 🐠 Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons

**Care Information:**
- 🍲 Diet: Omnivorous; should be fed a variety of high-quality flake, frozen, and live foods
- 🐠 Social Behavior: Peaceful, ideal for community tanks with similarly sized and tempered fish
- 🌍 Origin: Genetically bred for vibrant coloration and hardiness
- 📏 Average Adult Size: 1.5 - 2 inches (3.8 - 5.1 cm)
- 📐 Average Purchase Size: 0.5 - 1 inch (1.3 - 2.5 cm)


6 PACK! Guppy Male Half Black

SKU: 57335.4
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